
A Birth Story: Luke Ezra Marozas

It's been a minute since I last posted. And there have definitely been some updates in our life. I love reading birth stories and hearing peoples' experiences. I hope you'll enjoy ours. I'll start from the very beginning.

I had a doctor's appointment on Monday, February 26th. It was a routine visit, and I was feeling pretty good that day at 36 weeks and 4 days. I went in and my blood pressure was high. They made me lie down on my left and rest and re-took it later. Baby looked great, but they didn't like my blood pressure. They were worried that I was on my way to pre-eclampsia. They allowed me to go home but not first without a trip to the lab to have blood drawn and do a 24 hour urine collection. They told me to monitor my BP the rest of the day. I don't know about you but if someone tells you that your blood pressure is high and that you just need to relax....it's not all that easy. Well my blood pressure continued to go up. I called the office twice and left 2 messages with my readings. They finally called me back and told me to head in to labor and delivery. I was freaked out. I had to stay 24 hours overnight and be monitored. My blood pressure did go down and was put on mild bed rest. I followed up with my doctor that Friday, March 2nd.

At that appointment, my doctor went over everything with me and asked me how I felt about an induction. At this point, I was 37 weeks and 1 day. She wanted it scheduled for the following Thursday night which is when I turned 38 weeks. It was all getting super real. I called my parents and let them know when they needed to start heading our way. We got confirmation the following Tuesday to come in Thursday night to start the induction process with Cervidil. They ended up being super backed up with lots of deliveries so instead of getting there at 6:30pm like planned. We didn't get in until about 10pm.

Our last picture as just us.

Some of the goodies for everyone who helped us. We also had gift bags for those nurses assigned to us. Don't forget your nurses, ladies!!

We got all checked in, and they started the Cervidil. Not sure if any of you have had this placed but ouch. I was thinking it was some type of suppository gel insert or something...no! It's essentially plastic. My nurse placed it. My body took to it right away and my contractions started. I took some mild pain medicine to rest because my contractions were on top of each other. At 2:30am on Friday morning, I heard a slight pop. My water broke. Um OK!? Brian was freaked out. I was laughing because they said that it (Cervidil) could send me into labor but it was unlikely.

Once my water broke, my contractions were super intense & on top of each other. I could not rest and had a long ways ahead of me. I called for my epidural and thank you Jesus for that. Fast forward to around lunch time...I was almost complete. It got really real and we were ready. Well...we had to wait a bit longer and started to push around 2ish. I pushed for about 3 hours. I hadn't had anything to eat and I was really exhausted. I remember looking at Brian and crying. My epidural wasn't working all that well; I was so exhausted and had zero energy. I wanted to waive the white flag and have them roll me to the OR for a C-Section.

They called my doctor and she came in about 6:30 or so. She checked me and said that she was going to stay and coach/push with me. I had had about an hour in between my initial pushing with my nurses and the time that Dr. Wang had gotten there. I must have gotten a second wind. We think his head was turned to the side instead of being tucked chin down so it was A LOT to get him out.

Luke Ezra was born at 7:49pm on Friday, March 9th. It was a crazy delivery and one that I, Brian, nor my doctor said they would ever forget. As soon as he was out, I was a sobbing mess. During his delivery was shift change so I got a whole new set of nurses. But everyone stayed and cheered me on and congratulated us. I remember grabbing their hands and thanking them because they were SO sweet and didn't have to stay. I have big tears in my eyes typing this because I just LOVED them.

Marozas Party of 3 + my SAINT of a doctor, Dr. Wang! To say we love her is an understatement.

Stay tuned for part 2 to come. As long as it took Luke to get out....he wanted to extend his stay at the hospital just a bit longer.

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