

Thank you girls who asked about Lily. She is home. They did a series of barium tests. The barium was moving through but was sitting in her stomach too long. They also did a blood panel and her lipid count was through the roof (800s) when they are normally supposed to be around the 200s. They checked her for pancreatitis. No pancreatitis. Honestly, I think this is all a reaction after we have weened her off Prednisone for her skin allergies. I'm thinking she might have had an ulcer. The ultrasound found nothing. I'm hoping she was just having a bad 2 day spell. I am SO glad she is back home. After I got home last night, I just stood in the shower and bawled. That is my girlm and I would die if something serious ever happened. So praise the Lord she is HOME!

On a bit brighter note, Virginia over at Sweet Carolina Girl awarded me the Stylish Blogger Award! Thank you Virginia! It is definitely a bright end to my day.

1. Link back and thank the person who gave it to you.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 5 stylish blogs you read.
4. Contact them and tell them about their award!

7 Things About Me

1. I have a ridiculous obsession with Honey Mustard. It is really out of control.

2. I am a sucker for animals especially dogs. I have 3 labs (2 white, 1 chocolate).

3. Brian and I have been dating for a little over a year & eight months.

4. I have another obsession... with Angry Birds. That doesn't make me a gamer does it? I hope not.

5. I'm going to Cozumel in May with Brian & his family.

6. I've never broken a bone. Knock on wood!

7. I love chubby babies. :)

I am tagging:

1. Kellie at Another Day Stronger

2. Christin at A Classy Southern Wife

3. April at A Reynold's Wedding

4. Megan at In This Wonderful Life

5. Belle at The Tale of a Southern Belle

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Brian is in town and we have a family party to go to for my Grandmomma tomorrow. I am so excited to see all my cousins and my 2 second cousins (babies).



Alexandra Bee Blog said...

i love honey mustard too--do you ever dip your fries in it? that's my fav! i also have never broken a bone! i just found your blog and am a new follower! please check out mine!

The Southern Wife said...

Thanks, lady!

D said...

I'm glad your pup is okay my love! I can't wait to see you Saturday!

So, it says how you love chunky babies...well in the past two hours, I breastfed Whit and then he decided to take 4 more oz. so he is becoming quite the chunker.
Geez, he is growing like a weed.

Love you girl! P loves honey mustard but I am allllll ranch but it has to be the good ranch!

Virginia said...

I had to google Cozumel to see what it is, and it's beautiful!! How fun! & I was the chubbiest baby in the world..still a little bitter haha! Hope you're having a good monday!

April Reynolds said...

Thanks Haley! You are too sweet :)

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